All American Sun Oven

Being prepared can reduce fear, anxiety and losses that come with disasters

Government and religious leaders have advised us to prepare ourselves and our homes for a time of crisis.  Whether it be a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or hurricane, or a manmade disaster, such as a terrorist attack or fire, prudent families are preparing for disasters that could strike unexpectedly.

How much fuel can you store?  In an effort to prepare for the unexpected, many families have set aside food but struggle with the issue of how to safely store enough fuel and rotate it to keep it fresh. Guides are available on how much food you need to keep on hand to provide for your family in the event of an emergency, but do you feel comfortable with the amount of fuel you have on hand and how to store it?

Using a SUN OVEN® on the days when the sun shines decreases the amount of fuel which must be stored.

SUN OVENS® can be used year round on sunny days. Even though it is called an oven, food can be baked, boiled or steamed in a SUN OVEN®–so other than fried foods, anything normally cooked on a stovetop or in an oven can be cooked in a SUN OVEN®.

A Preparedness Item That Pays for Itself – Buying what you need for emergency preparedness to be prepared can put a strain on a family’s budget. Many emergency preparedness-minded families have found that their SUN OVEN® quickly pays for itself by reducing their utility bills and the cost of restaurant meals. Many people do not cook or bake on hot days for fear of heating up the house. A SUN OVEN® enables cooking on hot summer days by keeping the heat from cooking outside.

Improved Taste, No Hassle Cooking – Thousands of families have obtained a SUN OVEN® to have on hand in the event of an emergency and have been pleasantly surprised by the improved taste of sun-cooked foods and the lifestyle advantages of cooking with the sun.

There is no movement of air in a SUN OVEN®, allowing food to stay moist, tender and flavorful. Sun-baked roasts are tastier and more succulent, and sun-baked bread has unparalleled taste and texture. The aroma of food sunning itself in a SUN OVEN® is sure to please your senses.

Temperatures in a SUN OVEN® rise slowly and evenly, allowing complex carbohydrates time to break down into simple sugars, emanating subtle natural flavors. The even temperature of the SUN OVEN® prevents burning, so you do not need to stir your food while it is cooking.

The SUN OVEN® can be used for slow cooking, much like a crock-pot. Prepare your dinner early in morning, put it in the SUN OVEN®, point the oven south and leave. Come home to a tasty, slow-cooked dinner. If you run late, there is no need to worry; the SUN OVEN® will keep your food warm, moist and fresh for hours. Or, if you choose to refocus the oven to follow the sun every 25 to 30 minutes, cooking times and methods will be very similar to cooking with a conventional stove or oven. The choice is yours.

Does Much More Than Cook – In addition to cooking, a SUN OVEN® can also be used in a variety of other ways including:

·         Boil or pasteurize water

·         Naturally dehydrate fruits, vegetables and meats

·         Heat water for a sponge bath

·         Kill infestations in grains or dried foods

·         Sanitize dishes
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·         Dry firewood

·         Sprout foods

·         Decrystallize honey or jams

**This information was taken from the Sun Oven website

Sun Oven video with Amber from amberskitchen

Sun-Oven-Information.pdf (

Posts on different foods I have cooked in my Sun Oven:

Baking Bread in the Sun Oven – Caffeinated PreparednessCaffeinated Preparedness

Banana Bread in the Sun Oven – Caffeinated PreparednessCaffeinated Preparedness

Baked Potatoes In The Sun Oven – Caffeinated PreparednessCaffeinated Preparedness

Cooking Eggs in the Sun Oven – Caffeinated PreparednessCaffeinated Preparedness

Using a SunOven to cook a TurkeyCaffeinated Preparedness

Please be respectful and honest when using any information from these handouts and videos. Credit should be given to the those who compiled the information, presented the classes and to Some information on this website is copyrighted and is used by permission.

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